Classic FM Relax, our dedicated playlist of relaxing classical music on Global Player
29 December 2021, 14:19 | Updated: 27 May 2022, 12:24

Min Kym plays Elgar's 'Salut d'amour' with Ian Brown
The most relaxing classical music playlist you’ll ever find, compiled just for you by Classic FM.
Put your feet up, and sink into an oasis of the most relaxing classical music with our dedicated playlist on Global Player.
Classic FM Relax is a non-stop playlist of beautiful melodies, where you’ll find music from the great composers including Antonín Dvořák, Edvard Grieg, Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms and Ralph Vaughan Williams.
It’s the perfect tool to help you feel laid-back when heading into the New Year.
To listen to our Classic FM Relax Live Playlist, just download Global Player for free, or click on the image below.