Advertise with us
Classic FM provides a unique advertising environment and can provide commercial solutions to enhance your brand.
Advertise with us
Global’s radio and digital platforms have a weekly audience of 32 million, add outdoor and we reach 95% of the UK population. Combined with DAX, the multiplier effect of our portfolio is unmatched. Nobody else brings you the one-stop shop of scale, precision and amplification.
Classic FM is the home of classical music in the UK, with a welcoming touch that makes the genre accessible and relevant to all, nationally.
It’s the UK’s fourth biggest commercial radio station, with 5.1 million* listeners tuning in to hear the world’s greatest music every week.
Classic FM has a mission to make classical music accessible and relevant to a modern audience through its engaging style.
Its audience like to do more than just listen; they love to get involved online too, making Classic FM one of the most engaged-with brands on social media.
Our commercial team is dedicated to helping your brand build a deeper and more effective connection with our audience.
To discover more about radio advertising with Global, please visit
Sales line
0333 200 6000 (During office hours 9am to 5.30pm)
After hours please leave a message and someone from the team will be in touch within 24 hours.
For more information on radio advertising and how it works, please visit the Radio Advertising Bureau at
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Click here to contact the Advertising Sales team.