Um, this genius sheet music app will listen to your playing and turn pages for you.
8 December 2020, 11:32
A groundbreaking new app gives classical musicians access to an enormous library of interactive sheet music. And soon, it’ll also have the ability to listen to your playing and turn pages on time.
It’s goodbye to the days of endless pages of tea-stained, sellotaped sheet music, and adieu to the hours spent tracking down a reasonably priced copy of a little-known Renaissance motet, with this new app – the world’s first comprehensive library of digital sheet music.
The Enote app, created by musicologists and AI experts at a Berlin start-up, aims to “improve musicians’ lives” by bringing centuries of music into an intelligent, quality format.
It gives unlimited access to digital copies of around 150,000 musical scores which fit to any sized screen, although it seems most comfortable if playing from a music stand to use a tablet, as seen in the video below.
Soon, the app will also be able to listen to a musician’s playing, follow their timing and reliably turn their pages in the right moment “as if by magic,” says conductor and co-founder Boian Videnoff.
“It’s the biggest innovation in sheet music since the printing press,” he adds.
Read more: Google now lets you search for music just by singing or whistling it >

Introducing Enote - Intelligent Sheet Music 🎼
Enote’s sell is to make sheet music more accessible and affordable, using state-of-the-art AI technology. Made by musicians fed up with years of bad-quality scans, worn-out paper scores and expensive full works, the app serves to save a load of hassle and allow musicians to focus on what matters most: making music.
In Enote, musicians can personalise and interact with their downloaded scores, changing size, layout and notation style, as well as being able to transpose a piece of music instantly to another key and create annotation rules, such as highlighting your part in a larger work.
The team has also committed to providing digital urtext editions, so musicians have access to the original, unedited works, as intended by the composer.
Michael Barenboim, violinist and son of maestro Daniel Barenboim, told The Guardian he thinks it will be a “gamechanger for musicians”.
“Everyone in the music world is talking about it and I’m sure we’ll all be using it sooner or later, including my father. The possibilities are very exciting, especially for the field of music education.”
Find out more about Enote here and subscribe for €9.99 a month.