‘Jingle Bells, Yeah!’ – music geeks rip into store’s Christmas notation confusion
30 November 2020, 11:28 | Updated: 2 December 2020, 17:09
When you wanted ‘Peace on Earth and Mercy Mild’, but end up with ‘Peace up, A-Town down’.
This store wanted to sell some fine, festive paraphernalia, and opted for these miniature laminate plaques with Christmas carol notation stamped on.
For the music, they chose ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’. Lovely idea. Unfortunately, the ‘generic notation’ that matched the lyrics wasn’t quite on the money.
Seeing an opportunity for some festive fa-la-la-la-la deep-fakery, LA-based composer and Internet-wizard Matthew Brown entered the meme-chat. And it was inspired.
Alongside the festive lyrics to ‘Jingle Bells’, we are offered a strangely syncopated line of endless perfect fourth jumps in the melody, with some real magic in the accompaniment – yes, that is the main riff from Usher’s ‘Yeah!’.

Jingle Bells played in the style of Usher
Needless to say, musicians have seized the viral opportunity and analysed the notation, made memes out of it, and performed their own versions of the arrangement.
It’s been a truly wonderful time.
Posted by Anton Belov on Friday, November 27, 2020
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Y'all, this is not how jingle bells goes!! If your a stamp maker please consult a musician before printing lyrics with random music. I am pretty sure this bass line is from an Usher song! LoL!!
Posted by Erica Ann Pence on Saturday, November 28, 2020
Musical Christmas Decorations are something else...If Usher wrote Jingle Bells...
Posted by Garrett John Law on Friday, November 27, 2020
The 2004 hip-hop track has sold over four million copies in the US. And now, it’s got its own Christmas version. The mark of any great song, we say.
Thank you to all the musicians for Ushering in a Merry Christmas, in this strange old year.
If you’re after more mysterious notation, here’s the rather wonderful reaction to the ‘Have Yourself a Merry Christmas’ confusion.