15 woodwind player confessions that will make you say ‘same’
28 February 2019, 22:24

Snapped another reed, simultaneously cut your tongue on it and rehearsal has now taken an unexpectedly dark turn? Same.
1. When you chip your favourite reed, and you feel completely heartbroken for a solid three days
2. But then, when you find the perfect reed and your life dramatically improves
3. When winter really, really hates your instrument
4. When rehearsals are just one power nap after another
5. When society refuses to understand you
6. When no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get the darn thing to stay in tune
7. When you reach that point when your instrument is more glamorous than you are
8. When you’re only 8 years old, and you’re just DONE with your instrument
Kid at work was crying so I asked why. She said she couldn’t find her clarinet. I said I’ll help you look. “Honestly I don’t even want to find it. I am sick and tired of being the one performing. I just want to be in the audience for once.” 4th grade band is taking a toll on her
— Sydney Wilhelms (@squid_knee) January 4, 2018
9. When burning your ex-partner’s stuff isn’t your thing, so you burn your old reeds instead
10. When stock photos of ‘woodwind players’ make you die inside
11. When you have literally no control over your reeds
12. When transposing is the absolute bane of your life
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13. When wood-winding starts to drive you slowly insane
after 7+ years of playing clarinet i’ve finally done it I accidentally put cork grease on my lips
— nayha (@n4yha) January 8, 2018
14. When these jokes actually start to make you laugh rather than groan
what do u call an injured clarinet player
— katherine (@pockyprincess1) January 7, 2018
a woundwind
15. When even after years of school concerts and college recitals, your family have no clue what you do
My father:
— llivnder (@rayneydaye) January 8, 2018
- Does not know what an oboe is
- Does not care to find out
- Once heard an oboe and asked why the "harmonica" sounded funny
You still sound fabulous, though.