Marin Alsop’s Classic FM Conducting Masterclass: how to conduct Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7
1 September 2015, 13:14 | Updated: 22 August 2017, 12:45
The world-renowned conductor continues her exclusive series of video masterclasses – in this instalment Marin guides us through Beethoven's Symphony No.7 and Brahms' Symphony No.3. Batons at the ready!
Beethoven and Brahms
Marin Alsop is one of the world's top conductors – so she's conducted the great symphonies by these two conductors countless times. In this exclusive video she takes us through how to conduct Beethoven's Symphony No.7 and Brahms' epic Third Symphony. Ready…?
Catch up on the rest of Marin Alsop's exclusive Classic FM masterclasses
Subdivision. What's that?
First things first, what is this subdivision of which Marin speaks? Turns out, it's when the music is going so slowly that the conductor has to divide the beat up. And here she is to talk you through it…
Tricky corners
In this episode Marin tackles complex meter changes (looking at you, Stravinsky) and how conductors tackle music which switches between different meters. RITE OF SPRING KLAXON.
Finding your inner pulse
Tempo is the most important aspect of being a conductor, Marin explains in this video – but how do you decide the tempo of the piece? And how do you make sure that tempo is solid while you conduct?
Here's Marin to answer all your questions:
Did you miss the first three instalments of Marin Alsop's exclusive Classic FM masterclass? Catch up with 'An Introduction to Conducting', 'Beating Time' and 'Conducting gestures' right now.
Next week, Marin tackles the thorny issue of female conductors…