10 incredibly beautiful photos from inside musical instruments

26 October 2018, 17:07

The inside of a musical instrument can be a shadowy, mysterious place. Here are the most beautiful photographs of an instrument's inner workings.

  1. The inside of a viola, or a minimalist’s ballroom?

  2. Press any key to start...

  3. Look at those shafts of light.


    A post shared by maboughazala (@maboughazala) on

  4. String oscillations…

    #undiadenoviembre ne #Sheldi #leobrower #guitarsdaily #insideguitar

    A post shared by Donald Cini (@donaldcini) on

  5. This is definitely a scene from Indiana Jones…

    Inside of a cello / Instagram / adrian.borda
    Instagram / adrian.borda. Picture: Instagram
  6. Guitars have the best skylights


    A post shared by Malatinszki Mihály (@malatinszki14) on

  7. This is definitely just some gloopy honey… (it’s actually a saxophone)

    #sax #inside #light #music #beauty #insideinstruments

    A post shared by Laurie (@lauriecuru) on

  8. Isn’t this part of a trippy sequence from Labyrinth?

    Inside my cello. Where I live

    A post shared by Martin Radford (@martrad) on

  9. True memes.