23 classical music memes that perfectly sum up your love life
24 February 2021, 16:28 | Updated: 24 February 2021, 16:53
Trying to balance excellent musicianship with a normal love life can be tough. Here are some memes to help you remember you’re not alone.
1. *stares melancholically out of a rain-spattered window*
2. And when the dating world just doesn’t get you

3. When they say he thinks about it every seven seconds

4. This tragic truth

5. Wishing, hoping that someday, you’ll find someone who’s as on your wavelength as this Valentine:

(via Hannah Beech)
6. Or this perfect boyfriend

7. But then giving up on that thought two seconds later and accepting your cruel fate

(via instagram.com/bandnerdrelatable)
8. Relating to the whistling guy every damn day

(via new-world-symphony.tumblr.com)
9. Loving Bach more than any human

10. Also, the mild concern that no potential date will ever understand your weird classical obsessions

11, Being aware you SHOULD try and find a date, but knowing that realistically you’ll never find anyone if you keep cracking jokes like this

12. And this

13. The fear that you might accidentally end up falling for a BAD MUSICIAN

14. No, no, no...

15. This 100% legit way to persuade someone to go out with you

16. When you know you’ll probably never be as good a musician as your orchestra crush

17. Also, the constant fear that bae might leave you for a better musician

18. This outstanding truth

19. When you’ve been a musician for so long that you have no idea how to flirt with normal people

20. And you start to believe that lines like this might actually work

21. ... and super-sexy musical come-ons like this might actually get you a date

22. After all, you did learn from the best

23. Thanks for having our Bach, guys