Conductor leads full orchestra in ‘Jurassic Park’ theme – dressed as a tiny-armed T-Rex
9 June 2023, 17:27 | Updated: 10 June 2023, 09:26

Jurassic Park conducted by a dinosaur
In celebration of Jurassic Park’s 30th anniversary, here’s a dino-mite performance of John Williams’ glorious main theme, by the Colorado Symphony and their very good-humoured conductor, Christopher Dragon...
Conductor Christopher Dragon took to the stage in some unusual concert attire when the Colorado Symphony played at one of the state’s famed Comic Con events.
For a truly prehistoric performance of John Williams’ Jurassic Park theme, Dragon donned a fully inflatable, seven-foot Tyrannosaurus Rex costume. And it’s quite the spectacle to behold...
Although T-Rex weren’t particularly known for being light on their feet – or for being blessed with well-proportioned arms –Dragon doesn’t seem to let his Jurassic guise phase him.
He bounds enthusiastically on the conductor’s podium whilst leading the orchestra in a performance of Williams’ rousing theme.
Read more: A dinosaur ballet dancing to Jurassic Park is the video you didn’t know you needed
Dragon is no stranger to a bit of podium fancy dress. Alongside this 2017 performance, he’s also made appearances as a pirate, a dragon, Jack Skellington of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, and a variety of Star Wars characters.
All these performances will undoubtedly have been entertaining, but perhaps none as much as the time his dinosaur costume began to deflate mid-performance, much to the audience’s audible delight.
Listen on Global Player: Classic FM at the Movies – live playlist of film and TV soundtracks
If all this dinosaur chat has left your roaring for more, here’s that glorious theme tune once more, performed by the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and conductor Kirill Karabits, at Classic FM Live in 2022:

John Williams' iconic theme from 'Jurassic Park' at the Royal Albert Hall | Classic FM