Charlotte Green's Culture Club - Sunday 1 February 2015, 3pm

This week, Charlotte delves into the Classic FM Hall of Fame and we hear from culture minister Ed Vaizey and the London Symphony Orchestra's Kathryn McDowell.

On her Culture Club this week, Charlotte Green explores the Classic FM Hall of Fame to help you decide which three pieces you're going to vote for in our annual poll. 

She'll pay particular attention to the Hall of Fame 'one hit wonders' such as those by Rimsky-Korsakov, Liszt and William Walton, and she'll play some of our presenters' favourites, including Tim Lihoreau and John Brunning's choices.  

Charlotte also takes a look back at the annual conference of the Association of British Orchestras which happened in Gateshead this last week, and features interviews with the Minister for Culture Ed Vaizey:
And the Managing Director of the London Symphony Orchestra, Kathryn McDowell, speaks passionately about the need to put people first in spreading the joy of music: