The Movie Music Hall of Fame 2015 - the countdown begins

Andrew Collins unveils the first half of the movie music chart, voted for by you. Saturday Night at the Movies, 31 October 2015, 5pm.

You voted in your thousands, and now the ultimate chart of classical film scores is about to be revealed.

The votes in the  Classic FM Movie Music Hall of Fame 2015 have all been counted and on this week's show Andrew Collins is counting down the first half of the brand new chart from 30 to 16, highlighting the new entries and the high climbers – and big fallers – further down the chart.

See the Classic FM Movie Music Hall of Fame 2015 chart, here >

From John Williams' block-busting scores to some very new soundtracks, you'll hear it all in this definitive guide to the nation's best-loved film pieces.

And next week Andrew will be counting down from 15 to the all-important Number One – Classic FM listeners’ favourite film score.