We wish we could play this insanely fast clarinet piece, but there’s literally no way

19 December 2016, 12:08 | Updated: 6 January 2017, 14:45

le api clarinet

Clarinetist Sabato Morretta performs an utterly dazzling work that we frankly can’t quite get our heads around.

Any clarinetists out there will know the pain of crossing that magic B-flat/B-natural bridge. Well, imagine doing it repeatedly at intensely high speed. Oh, and it’s marked ‘ppp’.

Sabato Morretta’s performance of Antonino Pasculli’s ‘Le Api’ (which translates as 'The Bees') will give you clarinet goals. And quite helpfully, Morretta has posted a link to the score, which looks pretty terrifying.